Why Session Field is Not Being Deleted in Django Server Sent Event?
Image by Agracyanna - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Session Field is Not Being Deleted in Django Server Sent Event?

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck in a weird situation where your session field refuses to be deleted in a Django Server Sent Event (SSE). Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Django sessions, SSE, and explore the possible reasons behind this frustration. By the end of this journey, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to tackle this issue and get your session fields deleted seamlessly.

Understanding Django Sessions

Before we dive into the mystery of the undeletable session field, let’s take a step back and understand how Django sessions work. In Django, sessions are a built-in mechanism to store data on the server-side, associated with a specific user. Sessions are stored in the database, and each session is identified by a unique session key.

How Sessions are Stored

Django stores sessions in the database using the `django_session` table. Each row in this table represents a single session, with columns for the session key, session data, and expiration date. When a user interacts with your application, Django creates a new session or updates an existing one.

Session Expiration

Sessions in Django have an expiration date, which is set by default to two weeks. This means that if a user doesn’t interact with your application within the expiration period, the session will automatically be deleted. You can customize the expiration period by setting the `SESSION_COOKIE_AGE` and `SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST` settings in your `settings.py` file.

Server-Sent Events (SSE)

Now that we’ve covered the basics of Django sessions, let’s talk about Server-Sent Events (SSE). SSE is a technology that allows a server to push events to a client (usually a web browser) in real-time, without the need for the client to request updates. This enables your application to send updates to the client without the client having to constantly poll the server.

How SSE Works

In an SSE-based application, the client establishes a connection to the server using the `EventSource` API. The server then sends events to the client as they occur, without waiting for the client to request updates. The client receives these events and updates the application accordingly.

The Problem: Session Fields Not Being Deleted

So, what happens when you try to delete a session field in an SSE-based application, but it refuses to be deleted? This is where things get interesting. There are a few reasons why this might be happening, and we’ll explore each of them in detail.

Reason 1: Session is Not Being Saved

One of the most common reasons for session fields not being deleted is that the session is not being saved after making changes. In Django, sessions are only saved when the `request.session.modified = True` flag is set. If you’re not setting this flag, the session changes will not be persisted.

Here’s an example of how to set the `modified` flag:

request.session['my_field'] = 'new_value'
request.session.modified = True

Reason 2: SSE is Not Sending the Correct Headers

When using SSE, it’s essential to ensure that the server sends the correct headers to the client. Specifically, the `Cache-Control` and `Connection` headers must be set correctly to prevent the client from caching the response.

Here’s an example of how to set the correct headers in Django:

from django.http import HttpResponse

def sse_view(request):
    response = HttpResponse(content_type='text/event-stream')
    response['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'
    response['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'
    # ...
    return response

Reason 3: Browser Caching

Even if the server is sending the correct headers, browser caching can still cause issues. Some browsers, especially Chrome, are notorious for caching SSE responses. This can lead to the browser receiving stale data and ignoring the updates sent by the server.

To avoid browser caching, you can add a cache-busting parameter to the SSE URL, like this:

    const source = new EventSource('/sse/?nocache=' + new Date().getTime());

Reason 4: Session Field Being Set Elsewhere

Another reason why session fields might not be deleted is that they’re being set elsewhere in the application. Make sure to check your codebase for any places where the session field is being set or updated.

Use Django’s built-in debugging tools, such as the `django-debug-toolbar`, to inspect the session data and identify where the field is being set.

Solutions and Workarounds

Now that we’ve explored the possible reasons behind the issue, let’s discuss some solutions and workarounds to get your session fields deleted successfully.

Solution 1: Use the `delete()` Method

Instead of trying to delete the session field using the `del` keyword, try using the `delete()` method:

del request.session['my_field']


Solution 2: Use the `flush()` Method

Another approach is to use the `flush()` method to delete the entire session:


This will delete the entire session, but be careful not to lose important data!

Solution 3: Implement a Custom SSE Handler

If you’re using a third-party SSE library or framework, it might not be sending the correct headers or handling session deletion correctly. Consider implementing a custom SSE handler to gain more control over the process.

Solution 4: Use a Different Session Storage

If you’re experiencing issues with the built-in Django session storage, consider using a different storage backend, such as Redis or Memcached. These backends can provide more reliable and efficient session management.


In conclusion, deleting session fields in a Django Server Sent Event-based application can be a challenging task, but with the right understanding of how sessions and SSE work, you can overcome these obstacles. By identifying and addressing the underlying issues, you can ensure that your session fields are deleted correctly and efficiently.

Remember to:

  • Set the `modified` flag when making changes to the session.
  • Send the correct headers in your SSE response.
  • Avoid browser caching by adding cache-busting parameters.
  • Inspect your codebase for any places where the session field is being set.

By following these guidelines and using the solutions and workarounds provided, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue of undeletable session fields in your Django Server Sent Event-based application.

Reason Solution
Session is Not Being Saved Set the `modified` flag
SSE is Not Sending Correct Headers Set correct headers in SSE response
Browser Caching Add cache-busting parameter to SSE URL
Session Field Being Set Elsewhere Inspect codebase for any places where the session field is being set

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with Server-Sent Events (SSE) and session fields in Django? Worry not, friend! We’ve got you covered with these frequently asked questions and answers.

Why isn’t my session field being deleted when I close the SSE connection?

This is because SSE connections are meant to be long-lived, and Django’s session framework doesn’t automatically expire or delete sessions when an SSE connection is closed. To delete the session field, you’ll need to implement a custom solution, such as sending a request to a Django view that explicitly deletes the session field when the SSE connection is closed.

How do I implemented a custom solution to delete the session field when the SSE connection is closed?

You can create a custom Django view that listens for a specific message from the client, such as a “disconnect” message, and then deletes the corresponding session field. On the client-side, you can send this message when the SSE connection is closed, using the `onerror` or `onclose` events.

What if I want to delete the session field immediately when the user closes their browser or navigates away?

Unfortunately, there’s no reliable way to detect when a user closes their browser or navigates away, as this information is not sent to the server. However, you can implement a workaround by using a heartbeat mechanism, where the client sends a periodic “ping” message to the server, and if the server doesn’t receive a ping within a certain timeframe, it can assume the user has navigated away and delete the session field.

Can I use Django’s built-in session expiration to delete the session field?

While Django’s session expiration mechanism can be used to automatically delete session fields after a certain period of inactivity, it’s not suitable for this specific use case. This is because SSE connections can remain active for an extended period, and Django’s session expiration would delete the session field too early, potentially causing issues with your application.

Are there any third-party libraries that can help with managing SSE connections and session fields in Django?

Yes, there are several third-party libraries available that provide additional features for managing SSE connections and session fields in Django, such as `django-sse` and `sse-middleware`. These libraries can help simplify the process of implementing a custom solution to delete session fields when the SSE connection is closed.

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