Mastering Angular: Unleashing the Power of esbuild Chunk Names
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Mastering Angular: Unleashing the Power of esbuild Chunk Names

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Are you tired of dealing with cryptic chunk names in your Angular application? Do you want to take control of your code splitting and optimization? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of esbuild chunk names in Angular and explore how to harness their power to optimize your application’s performance.

What are Chunk Names?

In Angular, chunk names refer to the unique identifiers assigned to each chunk of code generated by the build process. These chunks are the result of code splitting, a technique used to break down large applications into smaller, more manageable pieces. By default, Angular uses a cryptic naming convention for these chunks, making it difficult to identify which chunk corresponds to which code.

The Problem with Default Chunk Names

The default chunk names generated by Angular can be confusing and make it challenging to debug and optimize your application. For example, a chunk name like “chunk.1234567890.js” doesn’t provide any insight into what code is contained within that chunk. This lack of transparency can lead to:

  • Difficulties in identifying which code is causing performance issues
  • Inability to optimize specific chunks for better performance
  • Increased build times due to unnecessary recompilation

Introducing esbuild Chunk Names

Enter esbuild, a modern JavaScript bundler that provides a more efficient and customizable way to generate chunk names. By leveraging esbuild chunk names, you can take control of your code splitting and optimization. With esbuild, you can:

  • Use meaningful chunk names that reflect the contents of each chunk
  • Optimize specific chunks for better performance
  • Reduce build times by targeting specific chunks for recompilation

Configuring esbuild Chunk Names in Angular

To enable esbuild chunk names in your Angular application, follow these steps:

  1. npm install esbuild or yarn add esbuild
  2. In your angular.json file, add the following configuration:
      "projects": {
        "your-app": {
          "architect": {
            "build": {
              "options": {
                "buildOptimizer": true,
                "optimization": {
                  "scripts": true,
                  "styles": true
                "esbuild": {
                  "chunkNames": true
  3. Update your tsconfig.json file to include the following configuration:
      "compilerOptions": {
        "module": "es2020",
        "moduleResolution": "node",
        "esModuleInterop": true

Understanding esbuild Chunk Names

With esbuild chunk names enabled, you’ll notice a significant change in the way chunk names are generated. Instead of cryptic names, you’ll see descriptive names that reflect the contents of each chunk. For example:

Module esbuild Chunk Name
app.module.ts app.module.js
components/header/header.component.ts components-header-header.component.js
services/data.service.ts services-data.service.js

As you can see, the esbuild chunk names are more descriptive and follow a consistent naming convention. This makes it easier to identify which code is contained within each chunk.

Customizing esbuild Chunk Names

While the default esbuild chunk names are more descriptive, you can further customize them to suit your needs. You can do this by adding a chunkNaming: option to your esbuild configuration:

  "projects": {
    "your-app": {
      "architect": {
        "build": {
          "options": {
            "esbuild": {
              "chunkNames": true,
              "chunkNaming": ({
               Chunks: (chunk) => {
                  // Return a custom chunk name
                  return `${chunk.module?.identifier}.js`;

In this example, we’re using a function to generate a custom chunk name based on the module’s identifier. You can customize this function to suit your needs and create chunk names that make sense for your application.

Optimizing with esbuild Chunk Names

Now that you have meaningful chunk names, you can optimize your application’s performance by targeting specific chunks. Here are some optimization strategies:

  • Code splitting: Use esbuild chunk names to identify which code is used by specific routes or features. This allows you to create smaller, more focused chunks that can be loaded on demand.
  • Tree shaking: With esbuild chunk names, you can identify unused code and remove it from your application. This reduces the overall size of your application and improves performance.
  • Module prioritization: Use esbuild chunk names to prioritize the loading of critical modules. This ensures that essential code is loaded first, improving the overall user experience.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of esbuild chunk names in Angular. By mastering esbuild chunk names, you can take control of your code splitting and optimization, leading to improved performance and a better user experience. Remember to:

  • Configure esbuild chunk names in your Angular application
  • Understand how esbuild chunk names work
  • Customize esbuild chunk names to suit your needs
  • Optimize your application’s performance with esbuild chunk names

By following these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the full potential of esbuild chunk names in Angular.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Angular’s esbuild chunk names can be a bit puzzling, but fear not, dear developer! Here are the answers to the most pressing questions about Angular’s esbuild chunk names.

What is the default chunk naming strategy in Angular’s esbuild?

By default, Angular’s esbuild uses a chunk naming strategy based on the module’s filename and the chunk’s purpose (e.g., `main.js`, `polyfills.js`, `vendor.js`, etc.). This strategy is called the “legacy” naming strategy.

How do I customize the chunk naming strategy in Angular’s esbuild?

You can customize the chunk naming strategy by adding an `outputChunkFileName` property to the `esbuildOptions` object in your `angular.json` file. For example, you can use a custom function to generate chunk names based on the module’s path and name.

What are the benefits of using the “deterministic” chunk naming strategy in Angular’s esbuild?

The “deterministic” naming strategy generates chunk names based on the module’s content, rather than its filename. This approach ensures that chunk names remain consistent across builds, even when the module’s filename changes. This can improve caching and reduce the likelihood of chunk mismatches.

Can I use the “hashed” chunk naming strategy in Angular’s esbuild?

Yes, the “hashed” naming strategy is also available in Angular’s esbuild. This strategy generates chunk names based on a hash of the module’s content. This approach ensures that chunk names change when the module’s content changes, which can improve caching and reduce the likelihood of chunk mismatches.

How do I troubleshoot issues with chunk names in Angular’s esbuild?

To troubleshoot issues with chunk names, you can enable the `verbose` option in your `esbuildOptions` to get more detailed output about the chunk naming process. You can also use the `–verbose` flag when running the `ng build` command. This will help you identify the source of the issue and fix any chunk naming conflicts.

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