How to Stop FIFO SQS Messages from being placed in a Batch with Failing Messages?
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How to Stop FIFO SQS Messages from being placed in a Batch with Failing Messages?

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If you’re using Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) and struggling with FIFO (First-In-First-Out) messages being batched with failing messages, you’re not alone! It’s a common pain point for many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution for you! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of SQS and explore the reasons behind this issue, and most importantly, provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to stop FIFO SQS messages from being placed in a batch with failing messages.

Understanding FIFO SQS and Message Batching

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the basics of FIFO SQS and message batching.

FIFO SQS is a type of SQS queue that ensures messages are processed in the exact order they were sent. This is particularly useful in scenarios where message order matters, such as in workflows or transactions. FIFO SQS queues provide exactly-once processing, which means that each message is processed once and only once.

Message batching, on the other hand, is a feature in SQS that allows multiple messages to be sent together in a single request. This can improve performance and reduce costs, as it reduces the number of API calls. However, when FIFO SQS messages are batched with failing messages, it can lead to unintended consequences, such as messages being stuck in a failed batch or being re-processed multiple times.

The Problem: FIFO SQS Messages and Failing Messages in the Same Batch

So, why do FIFO SQS messages get batched with failing messages in the first place? There are a few reasons for this:

  • Latency and concurrent processing**: When multiple messages are sent to an SQS queue concurrently, they may be batched together, including messages that are likely to fail. This can happen due to latency in the system or concurrent processing of messages.
  • Message retries**: When a message fails, SQS retries it multiple times before considering it a failure. If a message is retried and fails again, it may be batched with other failing messages.
  • Producer-side batching**: Some SQS producers, such as the AWS SDK for Java, batch messages together before sending them to the SQS queue. If a message fails during processing, it may be batched with other failing messages.

The Solution: Configuring SQS to Avoid FIFO Messages and Failing Messages in the Same Batch

Now that we understand the problem, let’s dive into the solution. To stop FIFO SQS messages from being placed in a batch with failing messages, you’ll need to configure your SQS queue and producer to handle messages differently. Here’s a step-by-step guide to do just that:

Step 1: Enable Content-Based Deduplication

Content-based deduplication is a feature in SQS that allows you to remove duplicate messages from a batch. This feature can help prevent FIFO messages from being batched with failing messages. To enable content-based deduplication, follow these steps:

aws sqs create-queue --queue-name my-queue --content-based-deduplication true

This command creates a new SQS queue with content-based deduplication enabled. You can also update an existing queue to enable this feature.

Step 2: Set the Batch Window

Setting the batch window determines how long SQS waits before sending a batch of messages. By setting a shorter batch window, you can reduce the likelihood of FIFO messages being batched with failing messages. To set the batch window, follow these steps:

aws sqs set-queue-attributes --queue-url --attributes BatchWindow=10

This command sets the batch window to 10 seconds. You can adjust this value based on your specific use case.

Step 3: Use a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ)

A dead letter queue (DLQ) is a separate SQS queue that stores messages that fail processing. By using a DLQ, you can isolate failing messages and prevent them from being batched with FIFO messages. To create a DLQ, follow these steps:

aws sqs create-queue --queue-name my-dlq

Next, update your SQS queue to route failing messages to the DLQ:

aws sqs set-queue-attributes --queue-url --attributes RedrivePolicy='{"maxReceiveCount": 5, "deadLetterTargetArn": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:123456789012:my-dlq"}'

This command sets up a redrive policy that sends messages that fail processing to the DLQ after 5 attempts.

Step 4: Configure Your Producer to Handle Messages Individually

Finally, you’ll need to configure your producer to handle messages individually, rather than batching them together. This can be done by using the SQS SDK or client library for your programming language of choice.

For example, in Java, you can use the AWS SDK to send messages to SQS individually:

AmazonSQS sqs = AmazonSQSClientBuilder.standard().build();
String queueUrl = "";

// Create a message
SendMessageRequest messageRequest = new SendMessageRequest(queueUrl, "Hello, SQS!");

// Send the message individually

By following these steps, you can configure your SQS queue and producer to handle FIFO messages and failing messages separately, preventing them from being batched together.


In conclusion, stopping FIFO SQS messages from being placed in a batch with failing messages requires careful configuration of your SQS queue and producer. By enabling content-based deduplication, setting the batch window, using a dead letter queue, and configuring your producer to handle messages individually, you can ensure that your FIFO messages are processed correctly and efficiently.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to troubleshoot and resolve this common issue in SQS, ensuring that your message processing workflows run smoothly and reliably.

Step Description
1 Enable Content-Based Deduplication
2 Set the Batch Window
3 Use a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ)
4 Configure Your Producer to Handle Messages Individually

Remember, by following these steps and configuring your SQS queue and producer correctly, you’ll be able to ensure that your FIFO messages are processed correctly and efficiently, without being batched with failing messages.

Frequently Asked Question

FIFO SQS messages can be a real headache when they get batched with failing messages, causing delays and inefficiencies in your workflow. But fear not, folks! We’ve got the solutions to help you avoid this mess and keep your messages flowing smoothly.

Can I configure my SQS queue to prevent batched messages from being sent to a dead-letter queue?

Yes, you can set the “RedrivePolicy” attribute of your SQS queue to specify the number of times a message can be replays before being sent to a dead-letter queue. By setting this value to 1, you can ensure that messages are not batched together and sent to the dead-letter queue.

How can I identify and separate failing messages from successful ones in my FIFO SQS queue?

You can use the “MessageGroupId” attribute to group related messages together and identify failing messages. By setting a unique MessageGroupId for each message group, you can separate failing messages from successful ones and process them independently.

Can I use Amazon SQS message timers to delay the processing of failing messages?

Yes, you can! Message timers allow you to delay the processing of messages for a specified amount of time. By using message timers, you can delay the processing of failing messages, giving you time to resolve the issue and process the messages successfully.

How can I implement retry logic for failing messages in my FIFO SQS queue?

You can implement retry logic by using Amazon SQS’s built-in retry mechanism or by creating a custom retry mechanism using AWS Lambda functions. This way, you can retry processing failing messages until they’re successfully processed or sent to a dead-letter queue.

What happens if I don’t handle failing messages in my FIFO SQS queue?

If you don’t handle failing messages, they’ll keep getting retried indefinitely, causing your system to slow down and potentially leading to a buildup of messages in your queue. This can cause significant delays and inefficiencies in your workflow. So, make sure to handle those failing messages to keep your queue running smoothly!

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