PostgreSQL: When Using UPDATE FROM VALUES, Check Constraint is Not Raised – Understanding the Quirks
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PostgreSQL: When Using UPDATE FROM VALUES, Check Constraint is Not Raised – Understanding the Quirks

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PostgreSQL is an incredibly powerful and feature-rich relational database management system. It’s widely used in production environments due to its reliability, scalability, and robust feature set. One of the most useful features in PostgreSQL is the ability to perform updates using the `UPDATE FROM VALUES` syntax. However, there’s a catch – when using this syntax, check constraints are not raised. In this article, we’ll dive into the details of why this happens and provide clear instructions on how to work around this limitation.


The `UPDATE FROM VALUES` syntax is a powerful feature in PostgreSQL that allows you to update rows in a table based on a set of values provided in the `VALUES` clause. This syntax is particularly useful when you need to update multiple rows at once, or when you need to update rows based on complex conditions.

UPDATE target_table
SET column1 = new_value1, column2 = new_value2
FROM (VALUES ('value1', 'value2'), ('value3', 'value4')) AS src (column1, column2)
WHERE target_table.column1 = src.column1;

The Problem – Check Constraints Not Raised

Now, let’s say you have a table with a check constraint defined on one of the columns. For example:

CREATE TABLE example (
    value INTEGER,
    CHECK (value > 0)

When you try to update the `value` column using the `UPDATE FROM VALUES` syntax, you might expect the check constraint to be raised if the new value is less than or equal to 0. However, this is not the case:

UPDATE example
SET value = src.new_value
FROM (VALUES (1, -1), (2, 0)) AS src (id, new_value)

In this example, you would expect the update to fail because the new values (-1 and 0) violate the check constraint. However, the update will succeed, and the check constraint will not be raised.

Why Does This Happen?

The reason why check constraints are not raised when using `UPDATE FROM VALUES` is due to the way PostgreSQL handles the update operation. When you use `UPDATE FROM VALUES`, PostgreSQL creates a temporary table with the values specified in the `VALUES` clause, and then performs the update operation using a join between the temporary table and the target table.

This means that the check constraint is not evaluated during the update operation, because the values are not being inserted or updated directly into the table. Instead, the values are being joined with the existing table data, and then the resulting rows are updated.

Workaround 1 – Use a Subquery

One way to work around this limitation is to use a subquery to perform the update operation. Instead of using `UPDATE FROM VALUES`, you can use a subquery to select the new values and then update the table using those values.

UPDATE example
SET value = sub.new_value
    SELECT id, new_value
    FROM (VALUES (1, -1), (2, 0)) AS src (id, new_value)
    WHERE src.new_value > 0
) AS sub

In this example, the subquery selects only the rows where `new_value` is greater than 0, and then updates the `value` column using those rows. This ensures that the check constraint is raised if any of the new values violate the constraint.

Workaround 2 – Use a Temporary Table

Another way to work around this limitation is to create a temporary table with the new values, and then update the target table using that temporary table.

CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_update (
    id INTEGER,
    new_value INTEGER

INSERT INTO temp_update (id, new_value)
VALUES (1, -1), (2, 0);

UPDATE example
SET value = temp_update.new_value
FROM temp_update
WHERE = AND temp_update.new_value > 0;

DROP TABLE temp_update;

In this example, a temporary table `temp_update` is created to hold the new values. The `INSERT INTO` statement populates the temporary table with the new values, and then the update operation is performed using the temporary table. The `WHERE` clause ensures that only rows with `new_value` greater than 0 are updated, raising the check constraint if any of the new values violate the constraint.


In conclusion, while `UPDATE FROM VALUES` is a powerful feature in PostgreSQL, it has a limitation when it comes to check constraints. However, by using a subquery or a temporary table, you can work around this limitation and ensure that check constraints are raised during update operations.

Remember, it’s essential to carefully evaluate the constraints and rules that apply to your database and adjust your update strategy accordingly. By taking the time to understand the quirks of `UPDATE FROM VALUES`, you can ensure data integrity and maintain a robust and reliable database.

Workaround Comparison

Workaround Description Advantages Disadvantages
Subquery Use a subquery to select new values and update the table Easy to implement, no extra overhead May be slower for large datasets
Temporary Table Create a temporary table with new values and update the table Flexible, can handle large datasets Extra overhead, requires more steps

Best Practices

  1. Always evaluate the constraints and rules that apply to your database before performing updates.
  2. Use transactions to ensure data consistency and integrity.
  3. Test your update strategy thoroughly to ensure it meets your requirements.
  4. Consider using a subquery or temporary table to work around the check constraint limitation.

By following these best practices and workarounds, you can ensure that your PostgreSQL database remains robust, reliable, and efficient.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on PostgreSQL’s quirky behavior when updating with VALUES and constraints!

Why doesn’t PostgreSQL raise a check constraint when using UPDATE FROM VALUES?

When you use UPDATE FROM VALUES, PostgreSQL evaluates the check constraint after the update operation, rather than before. This means that if you’re updating a column with a value that would violate the check constraint, the constraint won’t be triggered until after the update is complete. By then, it’s too late – the damage is done!

Is this a PostgreSQL bug or a feature?

According to the PostgreSQL documentation, this behavior is by design. The check constraint is only evaluated at the end of the statement, not during the update operation. So, while it might seem counterintuitive, it’s actually a feature – albeit one that requires careful consideration when using UPDATE FROM VALUES!

How can I avoid this gotcha?

To avoid violating check constraints when using UPDATE FROM VALUES, you can use a subquery to filter out any values that would trigger the constraint. This ensures that only valid updates are applied, and the check constraint will raise an error if attempted to be violated.

What about using a trigger function instead?

Ah-ha! You’re thinking cleverly! Using a trigger function can indeed help enforce the check constraint before the update operation. However, be aware that trigger functions can add overhead and complexity to your database. Weigh the pros and cons carefully before deciding on this approach!

Are there any plans to change this behavior in future PostgreSQL versions?

As of now, there are no plans to alter this behavior. PostgreSQL’s development team has deemed it a deliberate design choice, so it’s unlikely to change anytime soon. However, the PostgreSQL community is always open to feedback and suggestions – who knows what the future might bring?